Friday, February 11, 2011

Storm and Tempest

My thought for 2/12 is a sonnet that I wrote a couple of years ago for Lear in the spirit of Sonnet XII:

When I do drown the cocks that tell the clime
And spit fire, spout rain, to his odious plight,
When I see the divested king past his prime
And singe his wiry black tresses to white,
When oak trees I cleave, uproot, anatomize,
Which used to cote sheep and stock from the heat,
And those champains riched, now blighted by lies –
His brains in his heels; chilblains on his feet –
Then of his demesne will they then demean,
He among the tests of clime – Lear’s shadow,
Since scarcely kept warm by these children of spleen
And the sugar coated words he did trow.
    Then I’ll take physic and give him that patience –
    The true need – to stave their brief alliance.


  1. Great blog! Keep up the good work. Am enjoying reading your analysis! Philip.

  2. Thanks, Philip. Can't guarantee that I'll always hit 'em out of the park, but we'll strive to please you every day....
